
Ekklesia is the common platform organized by students to exhibit their skills and develop themselves to climb the corporate ladder.   Under Ekklesia, students are divided into four clubs; Finance, HR, Marketing and Entrepreneurship club. Each Ekklesia will be organized by one of the clubs. Apart from the usual schedule, each club is expected to comprehend various club activities, which can include, but not limited to, talk by an industry expert, role plays, games, senior/alumni talk, quiz etc. Apart from the club activity, new sections such as news reading, recognizing the achievements made by the students in curricular and co-curricular activities, talent show of students’ etc.is also included.


The primary purpose is to enrich young minds by opening various avenues to improve their leadership skills, coordination skills, inculcating the spirit of team work thereby grooming their personality and overall development.

Organizing Schedule:

  • Prayer song
  • Thought of the day
  • News around the world
  • Achievements by the students of NBS
  • Club activity
  • Talent show
  • Faculty Talk
  • National Anthem