Cyber Security

Cyber Security is the intricate practice of protecting systems, mobile devices, data, networks, and programs from cyber attacks, or any unauthorized access. These attacks aim at accessing, amending, leaking or destroying secret information or interrupting smoothly running business processes. As cyber attacks are increasing with an increase in digitization in our society, implementing effective cyber security measures is the need of the hour.

Our Cyber security measures: 

  • 1. Anti-Virus: Seqrite endpoint security offers a comprehensive platform which integrates innovative technologies like Anti Ransomware, Advanced DNA Scan, and Behavioural Detection System to protect our networks from advanced threats.
  • 2. Firewall: Sophos XG Firewall protects our network from ransomware and advanced threats including top- rated IPS, Advanced Threat Protection, Cloud Sandboxing and full AI-powered threat analysis, Dual AV, Web and App Control, Email Protection

Employees norms for Cyber security: 

  • All our institute devices are password-protected (minimum of 8 characters). This includes tablets, computers, and mobile devices.
  • All our employees secure all relevant devices before leaving the desk
  • Our staff has to get authorization from the Office Manager and/or Inventory Manager before removing devices from company premises.
  • Our employees refrain from sharing private passwords with coworkers, personal acquaintances
  • Regularly update devices with the latest security software.