Internal Complaints Committee

The Internal Complaints Committee of NBS was formed under the provisions of ‘The Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.’ The Cell’s objectives are to take care of the complaints from women and solve the problems according to guidelines given by UGC and the Hon. Supreme Court.  The Cell also creates awareness on sexual harassment redressal mechanisms along with the women’s cell. The Cell organizes seminars/special talks and speeches about sexual harassment in the campus along with the women’s cell. The members of the cell are:

  • Dr. Jacob P. M.Director, NBS
  • Fr. Jimmy Kunnathoor, Asst. Executive Director, Naipunnya Institutions

  • Ms. Nayana S. NAAC coordinator

  • Ms. Jis Jose, Faculty, NBS

  • Ms Savitha baby, Office Superintendent