Every student is required to adhere strictly to the code of conduct of Naipunnya College,Pongam as detailed below. To this end, it is necessary that every student understands dos and don’ts framed as part of code of conduct.
- Maintain socially accepted standards of morality.
- The working hours are from 9.15 Am to 4.10 Pm (however in the current pandemic crisis, the class hour starts from 7.15 am in the morning to 1.15 pm in the afternoon) . Students should on no account arrive late in the classroom. They should be inside their classroom at the stroke of the first bell.
- Students should wear the prescribed dress code or complete uniform, with their photo identity cards, on all days, including those days on which there are no regular classes.
- Successfully complete every academic requirement set by Naipunnya, giving full attendance to the classes and securing at least 60% in every test conducted in the class.
- Be clean and appropriately attired as per the Naipunnya dress code at all times.
- Show proper respect and courtesy to your fellow mates, teaching and non teaching staff on or off campus at all times.
- Safeguard the property of Naipunnya.
- Attend the morning assembly, which is conducted to impart moral values to every participant where important announcements are made.
- Abide by all the administrative and academic rules of the college (which are already in practice or can be made as and when required), accepting the evaluation of Naipunnya as final in all respects.
- Pay all fees on schedule, failing for which the student will be refrained from writing the exam or undergo any disciplinary action proposed by the college authorities.
- Birthday celebrations should not be organized on the college campus.
- Students are expected to be polite in language and behavior. They should greet their teachers when they first meet them for the day.
- Possess, consume or distribute alcohol or harmful drugs (illegal narcotics) on or off campus.
- Smoke or consume tobacco in any form.
- Disturb the peace in the campus, nor destroy, deface or remove the property of Naipunnya.
- Injure a person under the guise of initiation, pledging, student celebration or any other purpose.
- Involve in political activity of any kind or invite any person to the campus for initiating activities.
- Indulge in any form of ‘Ragging’ or any act of indiscipline.
- Bring mobile phones, cameras and other related electronic equipment in the campus without permission.
- Indulge in any kind of misbehavior in and around the campus.
- Misbehavior towards girl students, use of threat or violence against members of the staff or fellow students will be considered as very serious cases of misconduct
- As per the Government directive, camera cell phones are banned on the campus. Use of mobile phones is strictly forbidden inside the college buildings. Students are advised not to bring mobile phones and other valuables to the campus
Malpractices / Offences in the University Examination
- Possession of any non-permissible material relevant to the examination, including electronic gadgets, written matter on paper, calculator, data book, handkerchiefs, socks, other items of clothing, instrument box, identity card, or on any part of the body.
- Copying from neighbour’s answer scripts and helping neighbour’s answer questions.
- Resisting handing over non-permissible material brought to the examination hall to the invigilator.
- Disobeying the invigilator/other officials or resistance to instruction from authority.ilop
- Writing on the question paper (other than name or register no.) or hall ticket and/or passing the same to other student(s) in the examination hall.
- Changing/replacing roll numbers and answer books or sitting in the wrong seat.
- Tampering with answer books, removing pages, tampering with the bar code, and writing register no., student name, name of college or other identifiable content in the answer book.
- Disturbances outside the hall or disturbing candidates from outside.
- Leaving the examination hall without handing over the question paper, before the time assigned for the examination has ended.
- The above list is not exhaustive. The issues, if any, will be dealt with by the college/university.
In view of the direction of Hon’ble Supreme Court dated 8.05.2009 and in consideration of the determination of the Central Government and the University Grants Commission to prohibit, prevent and eliminate the scourge of ragging.
OBJECTIVE: To eliminate ragging in all its forms from universities, deemed universities and other higher educational institutions in the country by prohibiting it under these Regulations, preventing its occurrence and punishing those who indulge in ragging as provided for in these Regulations and the appropriate law in force.
Ragging constitutes one or more of any of the following acts:
- Any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student.
- Indulging in rowdy or indisciplined activities by any student or students which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship, physical or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in any fresher or any other student
- Asking any student to do any act which such a student will not in the ordinary course do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame, or torment or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such fresher or any other student.
- Any act by a senior student that prevents, disrupts or disturbs the regular academic activity of any other student or a fresher.
- Exploiting the services of a fresher or any other student for completing the academic tasks assigned to an individual or a group of students.
- Any act of financial extortion or forceful expenditure burden put on a fresher or any other student by students
- Any act of physical abuse including all variants of it: sexual abuse, homosexual assaults, stripping, forcing obscene and lewd acts, gestures, causing bodily harm or any other danger to health or person;
- Any act or abuse by spoken words, emails, post, public insults which would also include deriving perverted pleasure, vicarious or sadistic thrill from actively or passively participating in the discomfiture to fresher or any other student.
- Any act that affects the mental health and self-confidence of a fresher or any other student with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing off power, authority or superiority by a student over any fresher or any other student.
- The students should wear the uniform dress all the days except on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
- The students must be in acceptable casual dress on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
- The color of socks must match or go with the color of uniform pants.
- Boys should have their hair cut neat and short. Students are to wear shoes/footwear with back straps to college.
- The boys should have a clean cheek or be in a properly trimmed moustache or French beard.
- The students must have executive hair cut and hair done.
- Jeans, Leggings, T-shirts and other casual wear are not allowed in the institution.
- Girls should be dressed in salwar kameez with a shawl. Photo identity cards are compulsory on all days
- During the monsoon season (June-July), students are allowed to wear floater foot wears instead of shoes.
- Uniforms should be properly washed and ironed.
- The shoes must be neatly polished.
- Executive type black belts are mandatory.
- Identity cards must be worn always on the campus.
- No religious signs (tattoo) are allowed.
- Students should abide by the dress code specially prescribed by the college authorities for events at which uniforms are not compulsory (e.g. Onam celebrations, Farewell etc). Variations will not be permitted. Dress code for such occasions will be separately specified.